SEO case study: 1,000 organic visits in the first 4 motnhs

by Marc-Antoine Thiriat

Challenges is a Legal Tech player bringing together entrepreneurs (wishing to incorporate a business in Cyprus) and law firms.

For this SEO campaign, we started from nothing, no domain authority (link juice), no content, absolutely nothing.

So we turned to our 3-step SEO strategy to overcome these obstacles.

Capture d'Ă©cran
Capture d'Ă©cran

SEO services provided

Keywords selection phase

#1 Keywords selection

We selected the keywords that we knew would rank high on Google. We identified keywords that met our three selection criteria: intent, difficulty and value.

  1. Intent: Selected keywords should have strong purchasing intent.
  2. Difficulty: Keywords must have extremely low SEO competition.
  3. Value: Keywords should be “money keywords”, meaning the associated traffic will generate high revenue.

#2 Writing quality content

The SEO content we wrote respected these 2 pilars:

  1. Added value: content must provide added value to its readers. Our editors write first and foremost for readers (and not for the Google algorithm).
  2. SEO compatibility: to “speak the language of Google”, each content written follows 10 SEO criteria. This ensures that Google identifies our content as the best source, impacting the page’s ranking in its search results.
Exemple de page sur
Exemple de page sur
acquisition backlinks
Exemple de backlink pour

#3 Acquire quality links

Finally, we built a network of links (backlinks) pointing to the pages of in order to increase its authority and thus increase the SEO of its pages on Google.

Our “surgical” approach:
To generate backlinks, we source hundreds of sites, then review each site according to our 5 SEO criteria to select only the sites that will bring a real impact to your authority.

We then generate the acquisition of backlinks on these sites, as in the example opposite.

Results: 1000 visits in the first 4 months

After 4 months only, we crossed the 1000 visits mark on the site and we ranked in first position for 23 keywords.

And after our SEO campaign, the website cruises now at 1,300 visits per month.

With our 3-step SEO startup strategy, the website is now generating targeted traffic that generates revenue.

RĂ©sultats SEO
RĂ©sultats SEO

Book a free SEO traffic projection

To quantify what impact our agency can have on your acquisition, request a free consultation with Marc-Antoine Thiriat, founder at elevate